In The Responsibility Ethic, entrepreneur, executive coach and Olympic Gold Medalist Adam Kreek shares 12 principles of self-leadership, the most important factor in driving results and achieving success.

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Responsibility Ethic by Adam Kreek

author's message

As a society, we have been oversold the quick fixes. Be the boss now. Lose weight faster. Outsource your life. We want to believe that there’s a secret cheat code, a hack, or a hidden shortcut. But, deep down, we see through the lie. And that makes us anxious. Maybe we settle and tell ourselves that we are good enough. Maybe we blame our parents for not steering us onto the right career path, or we blame the bosses who never recognized our true potential. Plus, we don’t have time to develop our professional skills. By the way, it’s also too expensive.

This book was written to inspire every reader to adopt a Responsibility Ethic. It is for those who are ready to take responsibility for their life and career—and a gut check for those who already have. The 12 ethics, and 3 action ethics deliver ideas that sustain our happiness and success.

You will read one part biography, one part business case studies, and one part personal development insights. I have designed the book to inspire you, the reader/listener, to realize your full leadership potential and gain more momentum toward your next Gold Medal Moment—a purposeful goal that aligns with your core values and takes at least four years to achieve. You will find stories from my career as an Olympic athlete, ocean rowing adventurer, and business consultant combined with interesting case studies from the world of work that together deliver meaningful lessons about the Responsibility Ethic. The ethics in this book will push you to accomplish more of your leadership potential.

Adam Kreek signature


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Do you FOCUS on what you can CONTROL? | #ResponsibilityEthic Intro
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How to Attain Your BIG Goal | #ResponsibilityEthic Ep. 1
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How can you fix the pains of failure? | #ResponsibilityEthic Ep. 2
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It's MORE than the JOURNEY | #ResponsibilityEthic Ep. 3

book reviews

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Adam Kreek knows leadership -- he's been leading himself, his teams, and his businesses to victory for many years, building strong people and strong organizations in the process. In this book, Kreek presents 12 powerful principles for self-leadership, developed and honed from his own tremendous depth of experience. Remember: ALL leadership starts with SELF-leadership. You can't lead others before you learn to lead yourself. With Adam Kreek's book in hand, you'll learn exactly how to do that -- and find leadership gold every time. Highly recommended.

- Jan Economy, United States

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Halfway through the book and I can’t stop discussing it with my wife. Strangely enough, it speaks to me as I work out the stresses of marriage, parenting, and my career through CLEAR goals. It’s interesting because previous to this book I read Taleeb’s Antifragile and I feel it prepared my mindset for this book. There isn’t a weak chapter so far and nothing formulaic. I am lucky to read it during this reset.

- John Karrys, Canada

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This book is an easy read that leaves you with a lot to think about. It moves quickly, not dwelling on any item too long (a huge plus for me), and each strategy has some good takeaways to help you apply the strategy in your life and continue to broaden your understanding of each strategy. I liked the quick short, and engaging stories used to illustrate each strategy, and the author's personality comes through without being overwhelming. Great book for people looking to move forward in their personal or professional lives and are ready to take control of their own life vs letting life happen to you.

- Reggie, Canada

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Capsized ocean vessels, naked runs through swiss alps hopped up on absinth and a life-changing heart-to-heart with a homeless person, this book is an in-depth look at the journey the Gold Medal Olympian author, Adam Kreek went through and some of the life lessons learned along the way. Not only did the book explore an amazing journey about the author, but it has laid out an organized thought process that professionals can draw from and use to better themselves personally and professionally. Adam is a well-known public speaker that is honest and not afraid to open up about the ups and downs of his journey. This book is a great mixture of sage advice and comedic visuals. Highly recommend this book for anyone, professional or not.

- Zuka Industries, Barone