Based in Victoria, Saanich, Oak Bay, Esquimalt, and near Vancouver British Columbia and Seattle Washington, Adam Kreek is one of North America's most sought after executive business coaches

"Values are not needs. Values are not beliefs. Values are not goals or principles."

Adam Kreek

Executive Business Coach


Critique of Barrett’s Values Methodology: A ViDA Perspective

posted in Values

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Adam Kreek

Richard Barrett’s values methodology has shaped discussions in personal development and organizational leadership, particularly through its roots in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Vedantic philosophy. While Barrett's work offers significant insights, it falls short in key areas, particularly in its conflation of values, needs, and motivators. This lack of clarity undermines the framework’s utility and dilutes the power of values as guiding principles.

1. Confusing Values with Motivators

Barrett’s methodology often mislabels needs and motivators as values. For example, terms like "family" and "health" are categorized as values in his framework. But are they truly values? These values are terminal and more akin to endpoints or goals.

In the ViDA framework:

  • Family is not a value but a context where values like responsibility or care might be expressed.
  • Health is a motivator or a state of being—it drives behaviour but does not define the principles by which we live.

Values are stable, deeply held traits that guide actions and decisions. They are character traits or states of being, such as integrity, courage, or compassion. By conflating values with a broad cluster of motivators, Barrett’s framework creates unnecessary ambiguity. If reframed as a "motivational inventory," his model would more accurately describe what it aims to measure: the drivers of human behaviour in various contexts.

2. Over-Complexity vs. Practical Application

Barrett’s model builds on Maslow’s hierarchy and layers in elements of Vedantic philosophy, resulting in a multi-tiered structure of consciousness and self-actualization. While philosophically rich, this over-complexity can make the framework impractical for real-world application.

The ViDA approach values simplicity and actionability:

  • A values-driven framework should illuminate, not obscure.
  • Well-articulated values clarify our HOW and enable decisive action, while Barrett’s multi-layered approach risks overwhelming individuals and organizations.

Simplicity is not a weakness. It’s a strength that ensures values frameworks are accessible and actionable.

3. Needs Are Not Values

One of the foundational flaws in Barrett’s methodology is its grounding in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, a model designed to explain survival and psychological needs rather than enduring values.

  • Needs are situational and change over time. For instance, your health need might increase during illness but decrease in a state of well-being.
  • Values are enduring and consistent. Core values like authenticity and integrity persist regardless of shifting needs.

This distinction matters because blending needs with values risks misguiding individuals and organizations. Leaders, for example, often mistake aspirations or needs for values, which dilutes the effectiveness of their decision-making. True values are principles that anchor us through challenges, not fleeting desires or necessities.

4. The Call for Clarity

Barrett’s methodology, while influential, misses the mark in defining and applying values. To be truly effective, a values framework must:

  1. Clearly distinguish between values, needs, terminal goals and other motivators.
  2. Simplify its structure to make values actionable in everyday decisions.
  3. Focus on enduring principles rather than situational drivers or aspirations.

At ViDA, we define values as the state of being and character traits that guide behaviour, principles and decisions. They are not needs (like health or security) or aspirational motivators (like wealth or actualization). Values are the foundation for clarity and alignment in personal and professional contexts.

Conclusion: Using Values for Real Impact

Richard Barrett’s contributions to values-based leadership have inspired many, but his framework’s conflation of needs, motivators, and values diminishes its potential impact. By clarifying definitions and simplifying the structure, we can create frameworks that are not only conceptually robust but also practical and transformative.

Values are the states and traits that guide us through tough decisions, shape our actions, inform our principles and reflect who we are at our core. Let’s keep them clear, actionable, and accurate to their purpose. With clarity comes power—and the ability to lead with intention and authenticity.

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